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Saber Force: The Basics of a Saber Force Lightsaber

Saber Force lightsaber is an energy weapon emitting glowing plasma, commonly associated with the Star Wars universe. These swords harness this fourth state of matter within their power core and weapon’s design.

Jedi create their saber using a Kyber crystal, tuning its frequencies until they resonate with the Force – giving its blade its unique colour.


Saber ForceSaber Force lightsaber blades are composed of plasma, an electromagnetic state that cuts through virtually anything. When activated, this plasma forms into an arc that emits light – giving the weapon its iconic look and deadly potential.

Jedi and Sith utilise these laser swords as symbols of romance, honour and grace before the totalitarian rise of the Galactic Empire. Additionally, these laser swords signify hope and strength.

Jedi or Sith must first mine a Kyber Crystal on Ilum. With help from Bendu and the Force, they use its energy to craft a hilt and blade emitter, which focus the crystal’s energy into an identifiable blade shape – electromagnetic fields surrounding plasma within this blade emitter become ionised when this process takes place, giving lightsabers their signature sound. Furthermore, its hilt contains other components, including a power cell and crystal energy chamber, which are additional components that help shape its unique sound signature.


The hilt of a lightsaber is where its blade and Force-sensitive handle meet, housing everything necessary for its operation, such as power cells, focus rings and emitters.

Jedi and Sith often design their hilts to reflect their identities, beliefs, and fighting styles. These may feature engravings or runes and a pommel bearing their master or fallen comrade’s name.

Rey Skywalker’s staff hilt is comprised of her salvaged quarterstaff and salvaged lightsaber blade, showing off her resourcefulness. Kylo Ren’s crossguard hilt features vents to release energy from his blade, reflecting his unstable connection to the Dark Side. Mace Windu’s ornate and engraved hilt proudly displayed his rank as a Jedi Master. These and many other hilts were machined from metal materials before casting in resin for use in fight scenes; accessories like pommel or emitters can also be added.

Kyber Crystal

Kyber crystals are at the core of every lightsaber, providing its power. Once integrated with its blade, the crystal amplifies a person’s connection to the Force, reflecting their intentions in duel or combat situations.

A Jedi searches for its kyber crystal during meditation and, once found, bonds with its essence to colour its blade accordingly. A Jedi with more affinity towards the light side often has blue lightsaber blades, while those aligned to Sith or dark side use can turn red crystals red by infusing anger, hatred or suffering into their crystal.

Though Saber Force lightsabers can be powerful weapons, they’re not indestructible. A Jedi should take great care in handling its crystal and hilt correctly to safeguard it against damage due to mishandling, environmental factors or dark side energies that might result in its breakdown.


Modifying this chamber to add extra functions, such as altering blade colour tint or initiating length change via trap, may make weapon assembly more complex but provide significant enhancements. Although modifications to electronics in lightsabers are possible without professional training, they should be avoided as doing so could pose electrical or fire hazards.

The lightsaber is one of the most iconic weapons in the Star Wars galaxy. It can cut through nearly anything, including blast doors and even enemies. With the help of the Force, Jedi can use the weapon to predict and deflect incoming blaster bolts and other attacks.

Aside from its dazzling blade, the lightsaber’s most essential component is its emitter, which is located on the end of the hilt. This emitter is responsible for producing the coloured energy beam that defines the weapon. While it may seem simple enough to slap an emitter on the end of a hilt, the lightsaber is actually much more complicated than that.

The hilt, which holds the blade and emitter, has several other crucial components. These include the power cell or energy core, a focusing ring, and a blade emitter gate. The power cell is what gives the saber its energy, while the focusing ring ensures that the emitter is correctly aligned to produce the blade. Without this, the saber would not function properly.