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Physio Adelaide: Physiotherapy for Back Pain

Back pain is a common problem that can be difficult to manage. Whether it’s a sharp twinge or a lingering ache, it can affect your ability to work and play.

In the early stages of back pain, we often find it’s essential to start moving again (within limits, of course!). Remember how hard it was to bend your arm/leg when you got them out of a cast? For more information about the back pain physio Adelaide, click here.

What is back pain?

physio AdelaideBack pain is a common condition that can be very unpleasant. It can range from a dull ache to a sharp, burning sensation. It can last a day, a few weeks, months or even years. The good news is that back pain is very treatable with ice, over-the-counter painkillers, physical therapy, and exercise.

The back has many muscles, ligaments, discs, and nerves. Any injury or damage to these structures can cause back pain. This can be caused by various things, including poor posture, muscle strains, joint sprains, slipped discs or arthritis.

Some conditions that may cause back pain include degenerative arthritis of the spine, spondylolisthesis, and inflammatory arthritis (such as ankylosing spondylitis). Kidney or bladder infections and shingles are other medical problems leading to back pain. If you are experiencing back pain, speak with a healthcare professional immediately.


Most back pain is caused by injury or trauma to the spine. It can also be due to degenerative spine conditions such as disc bulges and stenosis. It can also be caused by poor muscle control and weak core muscles. The build-up of scar tissue from repeated injuries can cause stiffness and weakness in the spine. For more information about the back pain physio Adelaide, click here.

Back pain can be acute, which means it comes on quickly and intensely or chronic, which means it has been there for weeks, months or years. It can come and go. Some back problems are severe and need to be treated straight away. If your back pain is accompanied by any red flag symptoms, such as loss of bowel or bladder control, fever, weakness, or weight loss, see your doctor immediately.

Physiotherapy treatment for back pain aims to alleviate the symptoms of your injury or illness and improve function. Treatment involves a thorough history and subjective examination followed by mobilisation and manual therapy. A management plan is also created to help you manage your back problem long-term.


Back pain describes discomfort from the neck (cervical spine) to the buttocks (lumbar spine). It is often associated with irritation or injury to muscles, ligaments, discs, or joints.

Symptoms may range from a dull ache to sharp, severe pain and can be aggravated by sitting or bending. In more serious cases of back pain, a person may experience sciatica-type symptoms such as pain in the buttocks or legs, pins and needles, muscle spasms and reduced strength and movement.

People with long-term back problems can often develop a fear of movement, limiting their activity and affecting their quality of life. This can reduce their flexibility and strength and cause stress, fatigue, depression, and anxiety. See your physiotherapist if you are experiencing persistent back pain. They can help you return to normal activities quickly and efficiently. They can also give you tips on reducing the risk of further problems. For more information about the back pain physio Adelaide, click here.


Physiotherapy treatments for back pain include active physical therapy, such as whole-body stretches and back strengthening exercises, passive physical therapy, like heat or cold applications, and massage. These helps reduce swelling, eliminate muscle spasms and improve circulation to promote healing.

Most people recover with rest, over-the-counter pain medication and physiotherapy for acute back pain that lasts a few days to a few weeks. However, a small percentage of people develop chronic back pain that continues to occur and limits their activities.

Substantial evidence supports manual therapy (including spinal manipulation), exercise rehabilitation, specific back strength, mobility and core stability exercises, and education/advice to support long-term recovery. North Adelaide Physiotherapy has expert therapists certified in treating and managing spine injuries for Modbury, Findon, Flinders Park, Seaton, West Lakes, Beverley, and Para Vista residents. Call us to book your comprehensive lower back consultation today!