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Christian Webinars: Inspirational Christian Webinars

Whether you need inspiration for your spiritual journey or seek church-wide and small-group studies, these webinars will surely delight you.

Historically, Saints have found a balance between reflection and action and living virtuously while spreading the Gospel. This webinar will explore incorporating both practices into your ministry to serve the Church. For more information about the inspirational Christian webinars, click here.

The Bible Year

Christian webinarsIn this webinar, author and national speaker Ann Garrido shares how to teach families the fourteen works of mercy. She offers practical ways to incorporate these lessons into family life and inspire parish members to practice them daily.

Discover the jubilee year’s intention and design as it is understood by Scripture and in other ancient cultures. Explore the biblical texts and precious parallel models that help us understand how the week (seven days) and other jubilees are markers of God’s creative activity.

It is a tremendous resourcing tool for catechetical leaders seeking to foster a deeper relationship with Scripture among their parishioners. This webinar also highlights the value of formative spirituality and examines St. Benedict’s Rule as an example.

The Eucharist

The Church teaches that through the miracle of transubstantiation, the substance (the innermost essence) of bread and wine changes into Jesus’ Body and Blood. However, the appearances – what we see, taste and touch – remain the same.

In the Eucharist, Christ’s offering is a pledge of future glory for his people. At the same time, the members of his Body present their praise, sufferings and prayers with him in a great act of love. For more information about the inspirational Christian webinars, click here.

This webinar will explain how the Eucharist is a source and summit of Christian life and how all other sacraments are bound up with it. It will also discuss how every diocese and parish can become a Eucharistic community. A facilitator’s guide for this webinar is available here.

Spiritual Direction

Spiritual direction is a one-on-one conversation between a spiritual director and a director in a quiet, private setting. These sessions last about an hour and focus on a person’s relationship with God within all aspects of their life.

Spiritual directors — spiritual guides, spiritual mentors, or anam cara (literally soul friends of another) — are trained to listen to and encourage a person’s spiritual journey. Still, they do not tell them what to believe. Instead, they help people discern what their experiences and prayers tell them about the nature of God.

Many people seeking spiritual guidance yearn for more intimacy with God that does not seem to be satisfied through the usual channels of Church, Bible study or worship. Their yearning is often described as a pining that grows out of discontent or emptiness.


Discipleship is a widely used term that can mean many things. But a more specific definition is that one trusts in Jesus alone for salvation, worships his person, loves him with their whole heart, imitates his life and teaching, engages in communion (prayer), meditates on the word of God, and aims to live dependently, and who leads others to do the same.

Making disciples is a process that involves evangelizing, establishing, and equipping. It is a life-to-life ministry that takes people where they are spiritually and raises them into mature believers and warriors for Christ.

Grief Support

Grief support groups are a safe place for those who have experienced a loss to come together and share their feelings. These groups typically have an expert facilitator to guide discussions and provide resources. These sessions can help people find comfort in knowing that they are not alone and learn new coping skills.

While any loss is painful, the way one grieves may vary depending on what they have lost and when. For this reason, grief support groups often focus on specific kinds of losses, such as the death of a child.

In these groups, members can develop friendships, make memorials and receive support from others who have gone through similar experiences. Some participants even report finding healing through sharing their stories with others who have suffered a loss. With other people by your side and hearing their stories, coping will become much smoother.